Happy Holidays With a Free Book from Thoroedge

As a big fan of geography, I always find these things interesting. Above is a snapshot taken this morning of web traffic to this blog in the overnight hours of December 21st. Volume is quite low given the holiday season, but here are all of the countries represented in that roughly 8 hour window:

United States
South Korea
New Zealand

Pretty cool. At one point earlier this year I had counted over 25 countries sending traffic to this small blog concerning the physiology of thoroughbred conditioning. Overall, I would say the largest single country outside of the US is Australia – where I hear they have hundreds of racetracks. Seems that horse racing to Aussies is like baseball or football in the US?

Lastly, here is an electronic gift to all readers. Over the next few weeks I will complete my first book:

Is Your Horse F.I.T.?
Your Thoroughbred Conditions Himself with Feedback Induced Training

Let’s get this straight from the get-go: The Horse is the Boss.

FIT stands for Feedback Induced Training, where internal responses to exercise are gathered before/during/after exercise sessions and later analyzed to determine the 3 F’s: how Fast, how Far, and how Frequently each horse is telling you he needs to go in order to improve with the smallest chance of injury.

Traditional horsemanship entails observing the outer signals (behavior, coat, eyes, ears, etc.) when making training decisions; what I aim to do is teach horsemen how to collect and analyze the inner signs (both good and bad) of a horse in training. Most all feedback gathered from a horse in the traditional manner is subjective and qualitative; an expert opinion, in other words. However, the internal feedback gathered during exercise is both objective and quantitative, a series of numbers.  What FIT gives you is a measure of actual fitness, and therefore the best opportunity to improve it.

Tentative chapters:


Perhaps half of the material is found somewhere on this blog over the past 36 months, but there will be much original, practical, applied info and several HR/GPS charts from horses around the world – including a multiple Group One winner training at Newmarket, England.

Please leave a comment below if you would like to receive an advance .pdf copy in January. I’ll see your email address on this end, but other commenters will not.  You must leave your comment before Dec. 31st at midnight to qualify for the freebie and you can expect the book in late January, should be close to 250 pages.

Thanks to all for the support, and here’s wishing you a prosperous 2012!

About bpressey

Equine Exercise Physiologist

Posted on December 22, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 136 Comments.

  1. Bill! I’m so excited about this book. I would love a copy. Great job on the blog, as always. Louisa

  2. George Matkovich

    I have been saving all of your blogs for a time now and have been forwarding them to horseowners and trainer friends of mine. I would greatly appreciate a copy of the book. Thank You.

  3. Bill,
    Excited about this book, and would be thrilled to receive a copy. Happy Holidays!

  4. Happy Holidays! Have been enjoying your blogs and putting knowledge away. Would appreciate and really enjoy a copy of your book!

  5. Bill

    I would enjoy a copy of the book. Thanks. Happy Holidays.


  6. Hi Bill,

    Merry Christmas from Ireland. I’d love to get a copy of the book in pdf format and will be only too delighted to purchase a hardback copy if you decide to send it to print.


    • There will be a hardcopy version available from Amazon. Price will be determined later based on size, color pics, etc. I am striving to keep the bound version at $19.99 or better.

      I will also have the .pdfs I send to everyone ‘unlocked’ so that you can print the file if you wish.

  7. Wow this book looks awesome! Thank you and I would love a copy.

  8. Hello, look forward to reading your book. Very interesting approach. Happy Holidays!

  9. Please send a copy to me!

  10. I would enjoy reading a copy! Please e-mail me the pdf. Happy Holidays!

  11. I have been faithfully reading your blog for a couple of years now, and your methods make so much sense to me! I would love a copy of the book. Thanks! Merry Christmas!

  12. I stop by your web site every morning, and you have given me a lot to think about. Thanks.

  13. Please send me a copy too!

  14. Thanks for the priceless freebie offer. Like so many others, with every new blog entry I have wondered if this great information would compiled in book form. Please send a copy to me (my trainer is next…she received HR monitor and GPS for Christmas this year). Thanks again for your valuable contributions to improving effective horsemanship.

  15. Count me in Bill. Love to have a pdf copy and when the hard copy appears I’ll be buying one. Still trying to get you to Oz. Maybe a combo training advice/book signing tour will be the way. Have a great Christmas.

  16. Lynda Pellitteri

    I would love a copy. I read these posts and learn so much! Thanks!

  17. Hi Bill,

    I’m honored to know, you are devoting a whole chapter to my story. Please send me a copy ;).

    Merry Christmas to you all.

  18. If you like, I could write a update completing the season of Times Ahead.

  19. Would be very happy to receive an advance copy!

  20. Hi Bill,

    The book sounds great! It is definitely time for something like this.

  21. Thanks Bill,Im keen. Do you ever sleep??

  22. When do you think the hardcopy version will be available?

    • I’m hoping end of January Bart. If you want to pick up more than one, let me know and I can somehow arrange to get them to you at cost, which will likely be somewhere around $12ea. I’ll be self-publishing to Amazon via a service called CreateSpace.

  23. Can’t wait to try and absorb it (the book) as alternatives and modern tech must be paving the way. So many up and coming trainers are doing well…and learning something! Great work!

  24. Please send me a copy!

    Thank You! Happy Holidays!

  25. this is the only good way to train without over training would love to know more, thanks

  26. Just recently found this site….very interesting. Would love a copy of your book. Happy Holidays.


  27. Barry Roberts (New Zealand)

    Hi Bill,

    Love to get a copy of the .pdf from you when it is finished.. More things to discuss then I think 🙂

    We wish you and your familly a Happy Xmas and a Prosperous New Year. from NZ.

  28. Bill, happy holiday,
    would love a copy thanks

  29. I’ve never commented before, but love your blog and would love to read your book 🙂

  30. Count me in Geoff Richardson! Would love to meet you in person Bill, you have been the most enormous help to me and I am so appreciative. I would love a copy of your book and will also buy a hard copy when it comes out. Will you keep us informed when it is available please? Thanks, Anni (from Oz)

  31. Hi! I would love to receive a preview copy of your book. While I am not in the racing business I enjoy our blog very much and have learned a great deal. I am a horse owner and a TB racing fan and student of TB racing history. Thank You for this opportunity! Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!!!!

  32. Bill, I am from Aussie and have been buying and absorbing all the material I can about training thoroghbreds and at times it seems half magic and half science. I love your blogs and find that they provide valuable insight into what training should be about.
    Thank you for this opportunity! Have a happy Xmas a profitable 2012.

  33. Been sharing and discussing your blog with others this last year and would love a pdf copy of the book. Thanks.

  34. Hi Bill
    Would be very happy to receive an copy! Thanks for giving in so many ways to this sport.

  35. Dedicated reader of your blog posts and find them very,very informative. It would be a privilege to obtain and read an advanced copy of your book.

  36. It would be great to received a copy of Your book to improove my knowledge as a trainer.
    In my region it is very difficult to find so professional vew of trainig and fisiology a race horse
    as can give Your book
    Mary Christmas

  37. Hi Bill. Would appreciate a pdf copy of your book too.
    Thank you very much and Happy Holidays!

  38. Good luck with the book – look forward to reading the pdf.
    Your enterprise deserves every success.

  39. Why is Chapter 2 titled ‘The 3 Million Dollar Book’?

    Certainly not because I have some huge ego and attach that value to my work, but because another book JUST LIKE THIS ONE was referred to as such in the press back in the 80’s. Let me explain.

    A gentleman named Phillip Swann, MD authored a book called ‘Racehorse Training and Feeding – Modern and Scientific Methods’ in Australia back in 1984. I cannot find a copy of that book in print anywhere, however. That was the stone age of equine heart rate monitors, and GPS was an unheard of concept.

    Most importantly, a harness trainer named Fred Kersley followed the exercise prescriptions to a T and conditioned the 1980 Australian Horse of the Year – a pacer named Pure Steel, driven by Ted Demmler.

    When the horse won its title, the owner was kind enough to give credit to this book and Australia’s largest selling newspaper and some major New Zealand newspapers all published articles on the “$3 million dollar book”.

    Someone, somewhere in the world is going to do the same with my book – it may be one of these commenters in 2013, or it may be someone in 2113, but it will happen.

    • I have a copy of Phillip Swann s book If you wish I can send it to you

      • Please do John. I found only one copy here in the states at a University library in Colorado who won’t seem to let me check it out. I found the Swann work about drugs and performance here in Louisville and it had a table of contents for the V200 book, but that was the best I could get.

        I promise to return it within a week. Feel free to scan and email if you wish. My address is: Bill Pressey, 8901 Cinnamon Place, Ste 104, Louisville, KY 40219 – any chance you have this one too? = The Equine Athlete: New Horizons in Racehorse Conditioning by Gary Wilson?

      • have nt heard of that book but Ido have the v200 book which I can send to you

      • Thanks again John, it is much appreciated! V200 is a term I use quite often, but I am curious as to how Swann used it 30+ years ago without the GPS component. Not too long ago, when only stethoscopes were used to measure HR, it was thought that nearly all racing thoroughbreds had max HR values of 230bpm, hence the V200 figure being used to describe 85% of HR intensity. I am curious to see Swann’s thoughts, much of his other research I came across was decades ahead of its time.

    • Racehorse training and feeding Dr Philip Swann copied and en route V200 to follow

  40. Well Bill, with this much demand you should be changing the face of training single-handedly!!

    Good luck, Merry Christmas – and thanks so much for your time and patience on “our” article.

    Hope to meet with you next month in Ocala!!

    Melissa Sykes

  41. I’ve been following your blog for a while and love it. I would really like a copy of the book when it is completed. Thanks and have a great Holiday Season!


  42. Hey Bill, Merry Christmas and have a tremendous New Year as well.
    I would love a copy of your book when it is completed.


  43. Bill,as for racing in Australia you are right we are in the state of new south wales and there is 55 race tracks here alone so i guess it is a national past time . Enjoy youre blog it is full of very interesting info look forward to much more in 2012.

  44. I have been a reader of Bill’s blog. Lately have sent my horse up north because of the purses and have had the same old training regime. 4 furlong works and my horses will win one and hit a brick wall the next as the favorite. It is sickening. enjoyed the article in the HBPA about you and Greg too Bill. i would love one of you books.

  45. I would like to receive a copy of your book, enjoy your blog, thanks

  46. Yes, I would like to have Your book…I have learnt a lot from the late Tom Ivers and would like to read everything I can that you write as I consider that we are very lucky to have selfless people like yourself that share information without holding back..Thank you forward and best wishes.

  47. I would love to get a copy of your book. I often check your blog to check for anything new and go back to look at older posts. I’ve learned a lot over the past year and a half or so since finding your blog. Thanks for the opportunity and I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  48. Bill
    You are a very generous man and i would appreciate a copy of your book. i have enjoyed reading your work for the last few years and hope to try and use it as a guide in the new year when I will be starting to train a 3yo. Like all horse people we live in hope!

    Thank you and have a happy new year.

  49. Bill,
    I always enjoy your entries and look forward to receiving the advanced reading . -George

  50. Bill, Now this is what I’ve always wanted for Christmas, looking forward to the read, Thanks for all the effort.


  51. love all your material,hard to get that book from australia so i am you are doing one,thank you for all your work.

  52. would love to receive a copy of your book have a 3yr old to experiment with

  53. I’d love to receive a copy of your book. Keep up the good work.


  54. Merry Christmas Bill. Hope all is going great! Would love a copy of your book. Thank you!

  55. Many thanks for your blog which I have been reading now for some time, this book will be the icing on the cake so to speak . I would appreciate the chance to have a copy of your book. Greetings from Australia . May you and yours have a very blessed and safe festive season, keep up the great work!!!

  56. Merry Christmas from New Zealand Bill. Filly is back in work! Love a PDF copy! and I’m with the Aussie who commented earlier book tour and signing downunder.

  57. Leeane Poulson NZ

    Hi Bill i train racehorses in New Zealand.I have been very interested in the heart rate of horses in relation to conditioning for a long time.I have read “The Fit Racehorse” by Tom Ivers and did try and follow his concepts many years ago with little success but heart rate monitors for horses were not very reliable.I have also read “Racehorse Training and Feeding Modern and Scientific Conditioning Methods ” by Dr Phillip Swann published in 1984.I refer to this book quite often as well as reading articles from your site to try and understand further the science of horse conditioning.I have recently purchased a heart rate gps monitor from Andrew Stuart from Australia.He developed the E-Trakka heart rate gps monitior especially for horses.It is a fantastic piece of technology very reliable for piking up heartrate and gps and the software is very user friendly.I only train a handful of horses so i am limited on the data i can compare my horses to .Such as what are the readings for a horse that cannot be competitive ,to an average performer etc.I would love a copy of your book.
    Regards Leeane Poulson

    • Thanks for writing Leanne.

      The Etrakka is a very, very nice product, I have had the privilege of meeting Andrew here in the States many years back and his software component is extremely impressive.

      I’m sorry that I cannot comment on typical HR/GPS standards for Aussies, but in America I find the following:

      In order to win a race at any level, max HR must be over 212bpm, V200(85% of max) should be at least 2:20 min/mile and one should be able to sprint 3F in :38 or better AND show recovery HR of 120bpm or lower 2min after passing the wire.

      In order to compete at the graded stakes level, V200 must be 2:00 min/mile or faster and one should be able to sprint 6F in 1:13 or better AND show HR recovery of 120bpm or better at 2min past the wire.

      I too am a big Tom Ivers fan, but I feel he may have done some things differently with the modern type of equipment that you and I enjoy. I hope my upcoming book will clear some things up for you as I feel my approach is unique in that I never make a conditioning decision about how far/fast/frequently to train until after I analyze HR data from the previous gallop.

      Merry Christmas and please keep in touch, I have many readers from NZ.

  58. Hi Bill,

    My interest is in training standardbreds but I find your methods equally applicable to that sport. Interesting you mentioned harness racing legend Fred Kersley, who you would also know from the book “Winning Trainers”. Fred later tried his hand at training thoroughbreds and had Australian horse of the year Northerly (winner of 9 Group 1 races).


    I would love a copy of your book too


  59. Merry Xmas from Australia! Love your writings and would love a free copy, cant wait!

  60. Bill, love your stuff mate,cant get enough of it. I breed, break in,shoe,ride and train gallopers down under in South Australia. I carry a GPS and HRM on board pre setting GPS for interval workouts. I fast work along a sandy beach 1 hour after high tide for a consistant surface, warm down along the waters edge before unsaddling for a roll in the sand.I always read your latest posts and quite often refer back when looking for information.
    You really do an exellent job presenting your posts.Thank you.
    Kind regards,

  61. Congrats on the book! Something I would like to share with you that I have noticed lately, is that I have seen a HUGE increase in the number of trainers doing 6 and 7 furlong workouts with their horses. Are you having an impact?? 😉 Could be! John

    • Hi John-

      It’s amazing, there is a 6F maiden race at SA today with many first time starters, nearly ALL of which have worked the full 6F distance in training, some 3 times. Go over to Gulfstream; no maidens have ever worked the 6F they are now being asked to race in today’s opener. Insane how there can be such a difference from west coast to east coast.

      Again, I am not asking all of these first time starters to be pounded with a 6F in 1:11 work, some may benefit from 1:15 and change, its up to the individual.

  62. Thanks for deciding to publish a book of these great training techniques from your blog. Please include me in your offer. It has been a thought for a while now that the condidtioning and fitness tests which you teach ought to be put to the test academically. Maybe we could devise a protocol to do just that…

    • Hello Michael-

      There are a few books out there that teach a pretty specific protocol; typically involving a treadmill and several different steps of various times and speeds. I’m not sure that is necessary in the field. I’d rather chart GPS/HR for a few typical 1.5 mile gallops over the racing surface than have more detailed info on a treadmill with no rider on their backs.

  63. Hi Bill,

    It’s apsolutely great to see that all your work you will express in a very effective way through this book.I hope that your work in the years to come,would be somehow,implemented by some of the top racing stables in the USA becuase it’s only way that can bring another USA Triple Crown winner.It will also serve as a valuable educational tool for many countries like mine is,where the racing is not on the very high level and where cost effective methods are very much needed to get the maximum out of each racehorse and the technology supported racehorse conditioning reduces many of the costs in a number of ways.So I would really like to see the pdf. copy of the book and as a vet I would recommend that reading to anyone involved in racehorse training.

    Best wishes for the Holidays and hope to see you work even harder to educate the racing world in 2012!

  64. I have been reading your blog for sometime now. I find it very interesting. I would like a copy of the pdf in book form. Thank you for sharing you findings it is very helpful to me as I am new to the thoroughbred racing scene.

  65. Happy holidays, Bill! Would love to read a copy of your book. Thank you!

  66. Bill,

    I enjoy you blog a great deal. It is a must read. Don’t worry about keeping the cost down, you deserve to profit from your valuable insights.

    Looking forward to a great read,


  67. Hey cant wait for the book. all the way from South africa

  68. Hi Bill,

    I believe your comment about “copy cat trainers” to be spot on. Trainers on both coast basically look to emulate the guys who rake in all the money. (Baffert/Pletcher). You see this occur all the time in The National Football League. (Remember the Wild Cat formation?) It’s monkey see, monkey do, whether it’s the west coast offense, the run & shoot, the spread offense etc. I have enjoyed your work this past year. Keep up the good work.

  69. Copy of your book would be great!

  70. Would love to read your new book. Can’t wait.

  71. I am getting old but brand new at this game. I look forward to your book!


    W. T. Slaydon

  72. Sounds like a very informative book looking forward to it

  73. Bill, I have always been a big fan of yours and cannot imagine training without my heart rate monitor (with GPS). I would love to receive a copy of your highly anticipated new book!

    Best wishes for 2012 from your friend in cold, snowy Ontario.

  74. Bill: I’ve always been fascinated by your work. I would love a copy of your new book. Thanks.

  75. Bill, I faithfully read each and every blog and I have frequently gone back to past blogs as a reference. I would truly love a copy of your new book.

    Thank you, Shelle

  76. Hi Bill, I would love a copy of your book and I would also like to purchase one as soon as they are available. Also wondering which HR/GPS unit you are currently using and are you also selling them? Thanks, Sharon

  77. Bill, I would really like a copy of your book. I have read all of these
    posts over the last year. Thank you!!

  78. Colleen McNamara

    I would love a copy as well. Thank you for bringing a data-driven, individualized approach to a sport sadly dominated by copycat trainers who destine their charges for injury through chronic undertraining. I really look forward to your blog posts, and I hope the book convinces a few American trainers to adopt your approach.

  79. Bill, Thanks for providing such valuable information on your site. The HR/GPS that we purchased from you has become an essential tool in the training of our horses. I will really enjoy a copy of your new book.

  80. Bill,
    Love the scientific approach to training; I’d love to read your book. Thanks so much!

  81. I’d really appreciate a copy of your book. Looks like an ideal opportunity to put alot of great information together. Thanks again for the help you’ve provided me this year! Best wishes for a super 2012! Randy Wolfe

  82. Love your blog. Bought HR rate montor & GPS from you. I am a owner starting & training my own horses, mostly La bred quarter horses. After i get them going I take them to a local TB trainer, who has his own training track, & use his exercice rider to do speed work. ( A good Quarter horse can hit nearly 50 mph, 9.65 pace.) I used a HR montor back in the late 80’s @ early 90’s while training & racing bicyles as a vet. You talk alot about warming the horse up bebore a hard effort, if you have ever done a bicyle time trial with out a proper warm up, you know what happens, you blow up in the frist mile are two. If you are realiy fit & do a steaming warm up, you can go hard from the gun, just keep your breathing under control & enjoy the pain, while you blow by people who started in from of you, (do didn’t do a good warm up) who are going slower the further they go. Having said this, horses are not people, they seem to get hurt a lot easier. I am short on Horsemanship, need your book. Thanks.

  83. Please send me a copy of your forthcoming book.

    Thank you.

  84. I really enjoy reading your blog and look foward to each new post. Thanks for putting this book together.

  85. Were you a member of Tom Ivers’ horsescience group in the early 2000s? Please send a copy of the book.

    • Glad to Tesio.

      I was not a member, that is a bit before my time in the sport, but I have read all of his work, two times or more. The only thing I disagree with is putting every horse through the interval training program based on time. I believe if you monitor the physiological signs during and after exercise, horses should be allowed to take themselves through the regimen at their own paces – heck some will never make it all the way through.

      This concept is the part of my upcoming book that I have not yet stated publicly. However, on nearly every other point Mr. Ivers was decades ahead of this time and a prime source of inspiration for what I have done to this point. If he had the affordable HR/GPS equipment now available, he would have no doubt used it to the fullest.

  86. Would love a copy of the book- looks very interesting. thanks very much.
    John Seiler

  87. Hi Bill been reading you blog for the last 6 months, I own standardbreds and havent been able to find any trainers in my area that use the scientific approach to training. I’d really appreciate a copy of your book.

  88. Hi Bill,
    I would really appreciate a download of your book. I stumbled upon your blog some months ago, and really enjoy the content & the constructive feedback & comments coming from like minded people. As a vet with an interest in exercise science & training, I have been interested in trying to assist local trainers with new ideas for the last 25 years – with very limited success I might add. It seems that sometimes the racehorse horseowner is more savvy about the principles of training than the trainer!
    A couple of ideas-
    *A good book: Scientific Training of Thoroughbred Horses (Allen Davie) is available from his website. http://www.horseracetraining.com
    *RIRDC publication: Training & Fitness in Athletic horses (David Evans) is available as a free download from http://www.rirdc.infoservices.com.au (look under horses & publications as there are many relevant documents for training etc)
    *What is a good VHRmax in the elite athlete? – at the Asian Racing Conference in Seoul 2005 data was presented for the Japanese horse of the year 2002 & 2003. VHRmax reached 20.87m/sec after 2 months of training. Also listed racehorse winners averaged 17.5m/sec (11.4sec/furlong), compared with unlisted winners 14.5m/sec (13.8sec/furlong) for ther VHRmax.
    *and some thoughts on aerobic endurance: While vetting at Australias premier endurance ride (the Tom Quilty 160km) in Qld a few years ago.(yes I know the’re Arabs & not TBs,but they still carry a rider & and álmost have the same support structures), I was intrigued by the winning horse. After already completing 145km of the race, the last leg was almost level and was 15km. This horse completed this final leg at 39km/hr (= 18.5sec/furlong) and had a heart rate recovery to < 60 in less than 5 minutes. Makes a mockery of those TB trainers who won't do more than one lap of the track at 20sec furlongs on slow days!

    Keep up the good work.

  89. Excited about your book. This is a fantastic website! I now have it bookmarked. Thanks.

  90. Bill,
    Sorry if I’m too late, but just now saw the info on the book. Hope to get a chance to review.


    • No problem, I’ll put you on the list. Anyone else stumbling upon these comments in 2012 can feel free to leave their request as well for the complimentary copy – and it will be honored.

      Happy New Year to everyone….

  91. I was sent a few of your blog postings last fall and was so inspired to be able to learn about new and different training technics from all over the world which has really opened my eyes how really narrow minded and ” follow the leader” the racing industry is in the US. I have always been anti-drug and have always trained “european-style” and have made more changes to my training as I read your blog. I wish more people would be open-minded enough to give it a try. I would really enjoy having a copy of your book

  92. Gábor Reischl

    Sorry to be late! If it is possible, I would like to get one copy of this book. I feel and I know, it would be wery helpfull for me. I just started to train standardbred trotters with my frend together.I have got Your e-mail adress just today.I am living in Hungary/Europe.
    Please send me a copy !!

  93. peter barnhoorn

    would love to receive a copy of your book.
    happy 2012 to everyone.

  94. Please send me a copy! this sounds amazing!!! God bless this work.

  95. Too bad i ‘ve lost my chance !!!! Happy new year !

  96. Muhammad Rohan Sheikh

    Do I qualify for a copy now? from Pakistan

  97. Oh I just saw your fantastic website!! Any chance icoud get a copy of your free e book too ??? I´ll spread the word of your site to my friends in Scandinavia they´ll be happy to visit your web site:)

  98. Bill, I would love a copy if I am not too late ! Thanks… and keep up the good work.

  99. hi, I missed the dec 31 deadline but I’m hoping you’ll ignore that and send me a copy anyway! 🙂 big fan of your work, a copy of the book will be sincerely appreciated!

  100. Please send me your book. I have two high speed treadmill and have been using scientific technology for some time.Sure would enjoy reading your book.

  101. Hi Bill,

    I am a constant visitor to this site, but have been away. I was wondering if two weeks late is pushing the envelope?! Anyway, good luck with completing the book.


  102. Just signed up. Hope you will extend the deadline. Looking forward to your insights.

  103. If I can still get one I would love one.

    • Glad to Robert. To any other ‘late’ requests, I will continue to honor them until the ebook version is released – these days looking like the end of January at best. So, keep em coming…

  104. great,would also like a copy

  105. Hey, just started to read youe blogs.
    Becomeing a huge fan. id love a copy of the book as well!
    Thanks a bunch

  106. I missed you deadline since I have been busy in the barn applying all your research as well as my own. Give me a price, I’ll buy it anyway. You are putting together what I have been trying to conclude for the last 15 years. This book will save me another 15 years of my very slow research. 🙂 Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge and for your endless effort to make training horse safer and sensible.

  107. Good to see your reply to Bernard to clarify your work and also see the link to your book. I wasn’t sure where to reply to get on the list, but started here. I would really appreciate seeing what you’ve put together. I’m trying to learn enough to sell my trainer on it, but it could be tough. Thank you.

  108. I am looking forward to your book very much! Have been using a polar hrm off and on for a number of years and i am on my third one {800 series with gps}. This book will be a great reference for me. thanks

  109. I would really appreciate the opportunity to see your book. Please put my name on the list.

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